Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > Jake


19 16:52:39

Delores, I have a 6 year old cocker spaniel and he is developing black bumps, going from his neck down his back. I have no clue as to what this might be or what caused it. The size of the bumps vary from small to kind of big. They don't really seem to bother him, but they feel really bad. You can't see them just by looking at him, but when you pet him or rub your hand down his back you can feel them all over his back. He probably has maybe 30 of them. Looking forward to your reply, John

What do you mean when you say they "feel" bad?  I need a bit more information.

Is there anything else going on with his skin & coat?
Any flakiness?  (would look like dandruff)  Oily coat?  Any odor to his coat?

How are his ears?  (Skin & ear problems go hand in hand).

How long ago did this start and what happens to the bumps? Do they change?  Disappear? Are they hard or soft?

What are you feeding Jake and what shampoo are you using?  And has your vet looked at this?