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Introducing Two Dogs

19 17:04:23

Hi Kerri,

I have a 3 year old cocker spaniel whom I adore (and so does everybody else).  My fiance just got a 10 month old cocker, and we introduced them last night, at my apartment. I should not have done it that way, I know now.  They were okay for the most part, but my dog would go after the other dog if he made a sudden move and they fought like that a couple of times. We need them to get along.....we will all be a family some day. Should we re-introduce them in a different way??  They are both males, both neutered.

Thank you!


Hi Rachel,
Introducing the two at your place wasn't a great idea. Reason being that it is the territory of your dog's. He will be defensive no matter who the dog is that is intruding on his home. The best place to get these two acquainted is at a neutral ground. Try a park or a field where the two can run free and play together. That way they aren't trying to fight for their own space. When the two  start to be together at home (be it at your fiance or your apt.) make sure that each gets equal amounts of attention. Your dog, being the older and the "only child" will naturally have some jealousy issues. So as you would with a new baby in the family, make sure the older one knows that he is still number one in your eyes. When giving treats or toys out, give them both one. (However, I wouldn't try doing this at the beginning, as it is one more thing that they will try to take as their own.)
I think that in time they'll become best of friends. We have two females and a male (who is not neutered) that have grown to love each other. The first few weeks you need to watch as they will push their boundaries, but in the long run they'll become a part of the pack!

I wish you all the best, and congratulations on your engagement. I hope you have a beautiful wedding! You already have two "groomsmen" for the wedding party.
