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How to mantain Cocker ears

19 16:54:44

I had a cocker and the ears were so bad he went deaf.. I just could not keep up with them... he lived to me 18 and now I have another cocker and it seems like she gets bad after about 3 weeks... is there a drop I can put in her ears just to mantain? or what would you do? I jsut dont want the same thing to happen that happen to my sandy,,, reba is young (3) and healthy and I want to start early..
Thank you in advance

Jo Ann

Yes, there absolutely is something that will make your dog's ears a ton better.  And save you a lot of money in vet bills.

Jo Ann, I'd like you to write me personally because I have questions about her ears and a few other things and I need to explain how to use these ear products.  My email is - use subject line "Cocker ears".

This can get chatty and this will be much,much faster.