Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > 13 year old male cocker eating small rocks

13 year old male cocker eating small rocks

19 17:01:39

QUESTION: My 13 year old cocker has begun eating rocks for about 5 days now.  We have decomposed granite on our backyard by the patio and he goes outside to eat the pebbles.  I have noticed them in his droppings.  He eats otherwise normal and acts normal for his age.  Why is he all of a sudden doing this odd behavior.  We haven't treated him differently or changed anything in our every day life.  He does however have low thyroid and is on soloxine twice a day.  Could the thyroid problem be making him crave these small pebbles?

ANSWER: I doubt very much it's his thyroid.  This is obviously not good for him and for the time being, I'd put a muzzle on him while he's out (or somehow prevent him from getting at the pebbles) or you can end up at the vet's with a blockage.

Dogs sometimes do this odd stuff..and just as suddenly stop doing it.  But do figure out a way to keep him away from the pebbles asap since this can cause serious intestinal damage.

He's 13...and sometimes older dogs do some fairly strange things..but you don't want him sick because of it.
How long since his thyroid levels have been checked?
At his age, every 6 months is a good idea since they can fluctuate and need to be adjusted.

One of my own older boys suddenly started eating dirt out of household plants.  I covered them for a few weeks..uncovered..and it never happened again.  Who knows?

But do eliminate this possibility for him.  Fast.
Best of luck,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: His Thyroid was last checked in December of 06, so not that long ago and he was fine.  Thanks for the advise

Hi Tina,
December 06?  That's 1 1/2 years ago.  Or did you mean 07?

If it was Dec 07, he's going on 6 months and with a dog of his age, the levels can need adjustment.  My own 14 year old has been fluctuating and we're now checking every 3 months.

Just to be on the safe side, it might be an idea to get that done.  But, do find a way to keep him away from those pebbles.  You can buy low, flexible wire fencing at Home Depot's garden dept. and maybe put that up temporarily.
It's only about 1 1/2 ft. high and can be anchored in the ground or will stand by itself on a patio.  At his age, I doubt he's a jumper :)
Best of luck,