Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > 1 yr old male english cocker spaniel

1 yr old male english cocker spaniel

19 16:58:45

After one year of absolutely perfect behaviour our one yr old male cocker (we also have his one yr old sister) now pees every morning just outside their sleeping pen (large pen, 5ft by 5ft). He obviously stands and pees straight out. He has never done this before and has started this bad habit just a week ago. They have ample outdoor time every day when they do their toilet things perfectly well. Help !!!

The first thing I'd do is have a urinalysis done.  He may have a bit of a UTI (urinary tract infection).

Anytime a dog changes an established behavior the first thing to do is eliminate a physical cause.

If he's clear then I'm happy to discuss some re-training tactics.