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pet grooming

19 17:04:23

I am so excited to find your site, I have bookmarked it for future use.
I have a six month male cocker, as well as a 12 year old male. My question pertains to grooming.
Our older cocker has been groomed professionally a few times, but for the most, we have left his coat uncut. We now have a pup that I would like to keep in a cocker cut. Financially, I am unable to pay for this service, and have a pair of clippers which I intend to use myself. My daughter-in-law assured me she knew how to groom dogs, and in fact does a great job on her schnauzer. By the time she had finished with my little cocker, he had the cutest little schnauzer cut one has ever seen! She had even thinned the hair on his legs and ears into feathers, because she felt he looked "too bushy."
What I really need to get started, now that his coat has grown out some, are pictures or diagrams of proper grooming style to work from.
Everywhere I have looked online wishes to sell me a book which promises the information,but I have been unable to find anything of help without purchasing a grooming book. Any photos or descriptions you may be able to send would be so appreciated.  Also, I would like your opinion of the best non-prescription method of flea control on the pet. I have managed flea control in the yard and house successfully, but my little cocker just goes crazy if even one of those little critters gets on him. He does not have skin problems or flea allergy, he just cries and whines until he (or I) can find it and get it off of him. Since we live in South Texas, where we don't have winter, and we do take him oudoors often,we are unable to keep all fleas from him. Which over the counter method is best at repelling fleas, while being safe for continued use?
I agree with your opinions of cockers totally. My childhood dog was a cocker, and as I stated, I have had cockers in my home for the past 12 years.
Any advice you may offer will be appreciated so much.

First I really recommend that you shave your 12 yr old. An ungroomed dog has been likened to what we would feel like if we had multiple layers of wool sweaters on. It's not only hot for the dog, but itchy and uncomfortable as well. Please consider doing this for your dog. It also will help with the flea problem.
To shave a dog, start at the top of the head and work your way down to the tail. It's not too hard, just be very careful around the face, ears and "private" areas. For the show cut, leave the legs and a "skirt" around the tummy long. As well, the ears should be shaved 3/4 the way down. However, I don't think a show cut on the six month old will look too good yet as it's a cut that looks best on a full, curly coat. Usually this coat doesn't develop to its fullest until they are a little older. However, you be the judge.
As for the flea problem, brewers yeast capsules are recommended as a non-prescription remedy. However, if you are still seeing even just one flea, there is a host of fleas elsewhere nearby. I think you may need to resort to a strong spray or some kind of method to rid the fleas first, before you start a prevention program. Try to do this immediately, as fleas can make a dog very sick. As well as be a nuisance for humans! They aren't choosy critters, they'll bite whoever and whatever!

I wish you the best.
