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Back injury or possibly Pregnant.???..

19 16:49:14

My sweet  female cocker spaniel is a year and a half old, there is a possibility that she is pregnant. If so she is most likely around 28-30 days... for the last 48 hours she has been extremely clingy to me. A lot more than usual anyway. she is eating a lot more and is sleeping more. The weirdest part is she wont go up and down the stairs any more.. my husband and i thought maybe she stepped on something.. we checked her paws for debris she may have stepped on during a walk or at the park. we are around her most of the day and nothing has happened that we know of that she could have injured her5 back or spine... any thoughts? thank you for your time ;)

I'd certainly take her to the vet and find out if she is pregnant and have him/her check your girl's back.  You need to know - you need to find out what to do when she gives birth.

I do hope you're planning on getting her spayed?  

Is she demonstrating any discomfort other than not wanting to do stairs?  It could be a disc problem and if so, it needs speedy diagnosis and she has to be confined a lot - rested a lot
for it to heal (that's if it's minor).