Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > concern of my lost dog.

concern of my lost dog.

19 16:55:42

hi! I was living in NY in 2006, and I let my mother take care of my cocker spaniel which was a parti female, 4 years- almost 5 yr old. During finals, I got a phone call my mother dropped my dog off in port aruther Texas.

I have never stopped searching for her. I just wanted closure if she was found. I lady named lisa in 9/26/2007 emailed a description of her adoting a 5 yr old, cocker that describes my dog. I just wanted to know if there is any way of founding out if that was my dog?

Have you contacted Lisa?  Did your dog have any specific markings?  Was Lisa in Port Arthur?
Where did she adopt the dog?  Did you call there?  Did you ask Lisa to send a photo?

To set your mind at ease, most purebred dogs at Shelters or a Humane Society are adopted quickly.