Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > unusual habbits

unusual habbits

19 17:04:34

 My cocker spanial has what I call an obsessive compulsive digging disorder!  She will dig for hours and hours.  She doesn't dig holes, instead she straddles her hind legs and used her two front ones to fling dirt between her legs.  She'll then turn around and try and "catch" it before it hits the ground.  It's a creative game, but I'm still worried about her.  She has done this for at least two years.  I keep her in a cement pen and we take very good care of her.  What do you think of the subject?
thanks for your time!

Hi Jen,

This is almost certainly nothing to worry about.  Most dogs have the digging instinct and I have one cocker who feels its very appropriate to spend most of her day digging her way through my carpet!  Just make sure she has toys etc and if she has, theres nothing to worry about.  They're all mad as march hares! :o)

Take care,