Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > started whining

started whining

19 17:01:43

Hi. I have an adult cocker. He's usually the best dog in the world, but the past few nights he whines in the middle of the night and we have no choice but to get up and let him outside. He's NEVER done this. If he doesn't go outside, he'll poo in the house. And it's somewhat soft, making me think he may be sick. I don't see him drinking much water. He doesn't drink from his bowl inside the house. We have an old 3X3' pond in our back yard that collects water and he drinks from that often. The water is not very healthy looking either because it just sits and collects water. We recently had another dog, but had to get rid of her because she would NOT train and she would actually whine at night. So now I'm not sure if he's picked up on her bad habits, or if he's sick! How do I know, and/or how do I break him of this? We cant sleep. After an hour or less of being let out, he barks until we get up again and let him back in! He seems a little more tired during the day, and doesn't want to go out as much as he used to. But last night he wanted out twice! Do you know what we should be checking for? thanks a million for your help!

Hi Alicia,
First of all, immediately stop him from drinking out of this pond.  This can make him seriously sick.  If he's not sick already.
Please take him to the vet (with a stool sample & urine sample) and get him checked out.  A sudden behavioral change is a dog's way of telling you something is wrong.

Re training.  It sounds like you could use a one-on-one session with a professional.  Very few dogs can't be trained. I hope you gave your other dog to a cocker rescue?

At any rate - fence off the pond or you're looking a big vet bills.  And get your boy to the vet asap.