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Cocker Spaniel Whinning/barking

19 16:56:02


I currently have a 1 year old black American cocker named Lily.  My fiance and I have never owned a puppy before and we have made mistakes.  Comforting Lily when she barks instead of asking her to stop, not being consistent with her training.  I am the pack leader to Lily and she listens to me.  She will sit, stay, and we are working on heeling.  

One thing that I can't seem to break the habit of is her whinnying when she see's other dogs.  Her tail goes straight and she begins whinnying when she can see them in the distance.  Unless she has meet with the dog before this behavior is guaranteed.  The whinnying also begins when I leave her alone during the day.  I work a 9 hours shift but she is walked 1/2 hour in the morning, let out at lunch and then walked in the evening for 1/2 hour along with play time.

I can't afford someone to dog sit her right now and I'm at a lose in what to do.

Please help!

ANSWER: Actually Heather, it sounds like you're doing a pretty good job :) so don't be hard on yourself.

One thing I'd suggest is being "co-pack leader" with your fiance.  Take turns feeding her..make her sit before the bowl goes down.  Take turns walking her and teaching new things. for the "excitement" when seeing other dogs.  She's still a puppy and the possibility of socializing is just overwhelming.  Try making her "wait" in a sit until the other dog is within reach.

My own boy does this and I do make him wait but he's quivering with ecstatic excitement while waiting.  Do remember THIS is their joy of the whole day..being out, seeing & sniffing, meeting and checking out other dogs.

I'm a little confused about whether or not she barks/whines when you're at home or is it just on your departure?  If she's barking more than a little at home, I have a few tricks to put an end to that.

I'd also advise increasing her walk time.  A lot of minor and major behavioral issues are due to simple boredom and pent up energy.   There are two things a dog needs above everything else and those are an excellent food and enough exercise.

People think a better food is too expensive but when you read the feeding guide you'll see that you feed half as much as the supermarket stuff.  Quality wins :)

So do write back and tell me more about the barking so I can give you some solutions.
She actually sounds like a good girl if these are her only flaws :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Delores and thank you.

She barks/whines when I am gone.  She was crate trained as a puppy and that is the usual space she is kept when we are away.  She is usually good when she is in there with very minimal whinning or barking but recently I can hear here when I first come into the house.

I will admit that recently she has not been getting the exercise she needs nor the play time she deserves.  I have read some of your other advice and I believe that this could be one main reason.  I also wonder if its a bit of anxiety separation as she follows me wherever I go and must have me in her visual range at all times.

I have started sitting her down when there are other dogs on the approach and she does stop her whinning.  Just need to get her to stay until they approach.  Will she learn this eventually if I keep the habit up?

Thanks for all your help!  Truly is a wonderful feeling to ask these questions.

She's just reacting because she hears you come in.  But I would advise confining her in a safe place (kitchen?) instead of so many hours in the crate.  That gives her her (safe toys, like a Kong)..leave a radio on and let her have a little space to move.

My own dogs have run of the house when I'm out but she may not be quite that trustworthy just yet:)

You're doing a good job with exercise and I can't tell you how many people do not do as well as you are.  If you can just push it up another 15 minutes twice a day that'd be great.

Do not worry about anxiety.  Trust me - if she had anxiety you'd be writing me a whole different letter.  She's just a pup - wants to be "in" on whatever you're doing.  Totally normal at her age.

Now when you make her get her into sit just pull the leash gently straight up.  If she moves, do it again with the command to "Wait".  Then say "OKAY"..and let her have fun.
Very quickly she'll learn she can socialize when you give the go ahead.

On the street with my own boys I always check with the other owner "Is he friendly?" because some are so not!

I'd also like to talk nutrition with you, Heather.  And ear products!  If this is your first cocker you may not know their ear issues.  I can save you a ton of money on vet visits when the ears act up..and they will :)  A little knowledge can save you and Lily a lot of trauma.
A lot of owning a cocker is knowing how to prevent things.