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how much to feed.....

19 17:00:00

Hi Kathy,i just bought a 3 months cocker Spaniel, and it seems he likes to eat and drink a lot.i would just like to know how often and amount,of food and water i should be giving him per day? i don't know if i give him enough.And is it normal that puppies at that age pee a lot???Thank you!!!

Hi Jacqueline, congratulations on your new additon, lovely arent they?
firstly yes at this age it is usual for them to wee a lot, they dont have much bladder control and there bladders are very small and boys seem to wee a lot more than girls. you can give as much water as you like and if he is on dry food he will need a lot more fluid than you think, at three months old he should be having 3 meals a day according to his weight how much you give him, use the chart on the back of the packet and use your instincts as to how much he consumes half a cupfull each feed should be plenty for him. Dont worry about him he is doing what any normal puppy does eat drink wee and sleep and then play (Bless) Good luck with your new pup
Best Wishes