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poss herniated disc

19 16:59:16

my cocker has been limping. favoring rt hind leg and rt front paw. no known injury. poor apetite. cries when touched. can't get comfortable. vet perscribed prednisone and narcotic. my question is: are cockers predisposed to spine issues? she is a buff regular cocker approx 5 yrs old. thanks for any help

I'd need to know if your vet did x-rays.

And what narcotic? (Tramadol?)  Is this helping?  How long have you been giving this medication?  And how long has this been happening?
Are you keeping her quiet?

No, cockers aren't predisposed to these problems - can happen to any dog.  If your vet did nothing but "look" - you need a 2nd opinion.
