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Agresssive behaviour

19 16:55:02

QUESTION: Dear Delores,

We rescued a female Golden Cocker this week who we are told is 4 years old. She is a very loving and quiet dog and initially showed no signs of there being any problems. However, she was spayed on Thursday afternoon and since then, whilst 99% of the time she is perfectly ok, if we stand up, she will start to growl %26 she changes from being a quiet little dog to barking, growling, her eyes are very wide and I think she would actually bite if you went too near her. She did this quite a few times last night. Any tips gratefully received. Thank you.

ANSWER: What did the vet give her for pain?

I would have advised waiting a few weeks before spaying..but it's done.  Don't assume you have a behavioral problem.  I think she's uncomfortable and would simply leave her alone.  But definitely call your vet since he may advise upping her pain medication.  (Do not do this on your own).


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Delores,
Many thanks for responding so quickly. The Vet advised us that he had given her enough pain killers via injection to last until Saturday but looking back, I think you are absolutely spot on, thank you. We will keep our eye on her although she does seem back to her happy self today.
Thank you again for your advice, and enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Far too many vets don't do a good job of pain control.  Why on earth would he think a "24 hour" injection would do for what is essentially a hysterectomy?

Very glad to hear she's bouncing back :)

Give her a couple of weeks to settle in before you make any assessments re behavior or training.
Do write if you think there are any issues to discuss.
Best of luck,