Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > Peeing and pooping on beds

Peeing and pooping on beds

19 16:45:50

QUESTION: I have an 18 month old cocker male. He is a great healthy dog. He loves to play outside and in the house he always wants to be be around someone in the family. He is crate trained. So when we go out or to bed he is in the kennel. When we are home he is able to be out and free around the house. He is on a schedule of sorts for eating and going out to eliminate. He eats once in the morning and once in the evening and is taken out at least 3 times a day just to eliminate. Now he has started peeing and pooping on my daughters bed when she is not home. He will push her door open and use her bed as a bathroom and then join the family like he was sitting with us the while time. He is doing this if I am in the kitchen cooking dinner and my son may be in his room playing. My daughter is a teen and spends lots of time outside the house with her friends and activities. It's getting really annoying and I am ready to give him up. I hate to crate him while we are home especially if we have been at work and school all day. When I can I allow him to come in the car for a ride to the store and other errands if the weather permits or pets are excepted where I am going. Please help my so. Wants to keep the dog but I an tired of cleaning up after him using it on the bed. I feel like he is doing because my daughter isn't home showing him attention. If this behavior consist what should I do?

ANSWER: Have you had him neutered?

Is it possible to put up a baby gate to the bedroom section of the house?  

Can your daughter's door be properly closed so he can't "push" it open?

The easiest way to break a bad habit at his age is to make it impossible for it to happen.

The other alternative is to let him sleep with her.

How often and for how long is he walked every day?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is walked twice a day for about 25 to 30 mins the he is also let out to use the bathroom. He is very smart and knows many commands such as get your ball, go get jack (his favorite toy), get in the car, along with most basics like sit, stay, leave it, get out. He is very stubborn. I haven't had him fixed yet but plan to do so. Do you think this will help this problem. I can close the door but if we forget for some reason that is is toilet. He is not allowed on her bed or mine. My son however plays with the dog everywhere sleeps with him and everything.

You should get him neutered for a whole lot of reasons.  Talk to your vet.

For the moment, install a baby gate at your daughter's bedroom door.  She can step over it.

Please remember he's still a baby and it's highly likely that if you simply make this impossible for a time he'll stop.

And one question.  Does he ever do this when she's in the room?  Or even at home?