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8 year old still going #2 inside

19 16:57:02

Hello...I have an 8 year old female cockerspaniel who for the life of my family and i, will not stop going poop inside. We let her out and she comes right back in and goes upstairs in my parents bathroom. Or she will even go outside but still will come back in and go in here. She has done it her whole life. Is it too late for us to have any faith in getting her to quit going in the house? Or do you have any advice we could try? Its like she knows not to go inside but also knows that we're not going to punish her and kick her out if she goes inside the house.
Thanks so much!

So she's been allowed to do this for 8 years without any repercussions. I'd like to know if she urinates outside?

At this point you have two choices.  Put some papers down in the bathroom and accept it.

Or..get the whole family involved in a retraining effort.  The first thing that would entail is not "putting" her out but walking her a number of times a day and not coming back until she goes.  Then enthusiastic praise and reward.

I'd advise a family meeting and decide how much time & energy you're all prepared to put in to change this bad habit.  It's definitely not too late to teach her and I can help.