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3 month panting

19 16:55:20

QUESTION: I recently noticed my cocker spaniel panting. Its not all day. When she does this I try to get her to drink more, thinking she's thirsty. She's also not eating as much as she use to. I use to be able to put the food out and she would eat it. Now she looks at it and goes about her business. She often comes later to eat but never eats all. So my question is. Is panting normal or could this be a sign for something not so good?

ANSWER: Can you tell me when she does pant? And for how long? Dogs "perspire" by panting so it's logical they'd pant when they're hot. Some dogs pant when they're stressed.  So I need a bit more information.

As for the food - what are you feeding her.  This could be her way of telling you she doesn't much like it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The first time she did this was on a car ride. Then days after the car ride she began again. She does this as she walks or runs around the house. She also did this when my husband and son were playing with her. I do notice she doesn't pant when lying down. When she pants I can hear her nasal and it sounds clear.          I'm feeding her nutro for puppies.

ANSWER: Then there's nothing to worry about.  At her age she just gets over-excited and in the car she may have been a bit nervous. is one of those "it's okay, not great" foods and she's in a massive growth spurt right now so needs a really premium food.  Plus she's not loving it..and she needs to eat well.

I'd buy some Innova EVO or Orijen and definitely add some canned food of the same brand.
If you go to it'll locate a store in your area. Any store that sells Innova will also sell other premium brands. You'll find it more expensive BUT you feed less of it.  A good canned food is less processed and higher in protein.  And no, kibble does not help clean their teeth!  Only brushing does that.

The problem with Nutro is it's heavy on grains and this isn't good for cockers and the general quality isn't good.  A premium food without grains (or any heavy carb load) will help avoid skin and ear infections and other issues.  Nutrition is key to keeping her healthy.

Also, she should always have fresh water available and I'd advise using Spring Water because it has no fluoride and even mainstream vet science evidence is mounting that this causes thyroid problems in dogs.

If you want to go even further with nutrition, I'd recommend Addiction raw dehydrated food.
This has all the advantages of a raw diet without the bacteria fears or the mess :)
You just mix it with an equal amount of water to rehydrate..wait a minute or two...and serve.

But whichever way you go, switch over slowly by adding a bit more of the new food every day.
You don't want an upset tummy.

Best of luck and do write anytime,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That sounds great. You are the bomb.(Laughing) meaning your the greatest. This puppy is like having a new baby. Everything she does its like okay now why is she doing that.. Well she didn't do that yesterday..its driving me crazy!Your really saving me a trip to the vet. They are expensive. I looked in the store at the food you recommend and it is a bit more than nutro. I'm willing to switch for a healthy dog. Now another question. We are more than half way finished with the nutro. How long should I mix it? I don't want her to get sick.  

Get the better food and on day One - 10% mixed with her old food.  You have enough of the Nutro to make the switch.  Increase daily...see how stool is..add more.  Some dogs have no issue switching foods - some do.  Take your time.

Yes, it IS like having a new baby :) - it's just a furry one!

And if you've never had a cocker before..we need to talk "ears".  I can point you to a line of ear products that are amazing and will save you a LOT of money in vet bills.  Cockers are notorious for ear problems.  My own vet uses nothing else AND no prescription necessary - you can order it online.

Also - although cockers are the cutest and cuddly, they are also very dominant dogs.  If she EVER growls at you..write me immediately.  Handled properly, this is history in days.  Not handled - huge problem!

Sounds like this pup lucked out and got a really good, responsible family.  Has she stopped barfing up the "white foam" in the mornings?  I do hope you increased the number of meals?