Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > holly


19 16:59:34


everythink my 7 month old cocker chews she eats from a whole sock to a shoe.after an hours running through fields she doesnt slow down and if anything hypes her up more,she is a much loved pet but we need advice on how to stop her eating everything for her own health and my sanity,any ideas please?

Hi Jackie, Oooops you have a norty likle puppy, No im just kidding you havent youve got a completely normal 7 month old.
!/ Do you use a crate
2/ does she have her own toys i.e kong chews etc
3/ What food are you feeding her on

Firstly i ask about the food, Cockers have an awful lot of energy, you probably will never tire a 7 month old, but when you have been out for a long run, if you use a crate bring her home and gently place her in it so she knows its her little den, and she can sleep her long run off in peace. Or put her on her bed and let her know its time out and time for a rest, I must admit my Cocker still wants to play when we have been out and she is Three!!! (arent they adorable)
Trying to stop her eating everything in site is a more difficult one, you have to play a game of swapsies with her, as she picks up something that is not hers, ask Holly to sit, and gvie or leave or drop or whatever word you decide to use but always use the same word, let her know its not a game as she gives you the item give her something of hers back and then praise her for being such a good girl, make it fun and give her one of her favourite toys that way she will learn its good to carry one of her own toys around, but you have to be consistant dont ever let her see you laugh when she is running around with your underwear hanging out of her mouth even though its funny and it is and you really want to laugh, (dont) just get her to hand it over, she is very young but she will learn.
Take a look at her food, I changed My Cocker from Bakers Complete to James Well Beloved for the same reason she was a very hyper dog, she has been on this new food now for nearly six months and the change in her behaviour is unbelievable, James Well Beloved has no colouring flavourings or additives, and Cockers could really do without those things as they are so active naturally anyway.
I wish you all the best with Holly she sounds gorgeous enjoy her and she will reward you over and over, be strict but kind is the way to Cocker Training.
Best Wishes