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Party Cocker 9yrs. has started peeing in house

19 17:00:19

Our darling Duchess has started peeing in the house-same room and same area.  We take her out often-she does her job but thru the night still goes down stairs and potties. We also usually take her out around 2 but still that does not seem to end the problem.   We have just noticed a lump forming on one of her breasts and also found another one on her back leg area. Any help will be much appreciated.  She was a rescue dog who had been badly mistreated-although we have had her for seven years. We love her but need help.  Thanks

Sandra, she may just have a simple UTI (urinary tract infection) so take her to the vet. That's easily fixed with a round of antibiotics.  At her age it could also be weak bladder muscles and there's a med to help that.

The vet should also check out the lumps.  Older dogs often have what are called lipomas which are benign fatty growths that usually a vet won't remove.

Do get her into the vet and perhaps since she's going to the same spot - put some papers down for her.  