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my dog hasnt gained weight...

19 16:59:30

Hi, i have a female cocker spaniel, she's a bit over a year old, i rescued her from the street on june of last year, i think she was about 3-4 months old, due to her shedding of teeth, she was skinny and filled with ticks, i took her to the vet and asked him what her age was and agreed with me that she was 3-4 months old, i have given her every shot since and taken care of the ticks, she's very playfull and has never lost her appetite, she eats quite plenty and drinks a lot of water too, but since i've had her i've never seen that she has gained any weight and also never seen any sign of her menstrual period at any time and she's over a year old, her height is normal and lenght too, also she is a pure bred cocker spaniel of white and brown mix colored coat, everytime i've taken her to the vet he gives her a liquid for the worms and when she goes and does her thing, it appears to be normal, only the very first time i took her to the vet her poop was very liquidish, but from then on normal, i feed her pedigree adult, since i have an older female cocker/labrador mix dog in the house, i've also given her a paste to make her gain weight but didn't do any apparent effect since she looks exactly the same, could you please give me any advise as to what should i give her so that she can gain some weight and not feel her bones and thin belly, and also how to incentivate her menstrual cycle??

You don't say what her weight is but at a year it should be in the 24-25 lb. range unless she's a really little girl.

How great that you rescued her - I have two brown & white cockers and they are adorable.'re not feeding a good food.  I'd "slowly" switch her over to a premium canned food and Canidae is excellent especially if she needs some weight.  Use the All Life Stages..I like the chicken/lamb/fish formula because of the mixed proteins.  Add a little more each day to the Pedigree (which is awful food). Some dogs can get an upset tummy if you switch food abruptly.

I have no idea why your vet keeps worming her and I'd stop doing that.
What is usually done is a stool analysis annually and worming is only done once the parasite has been identified.

I'd like to know why you haven't spayed her yet?  It's hard on a dog to go through endless heats and this should get done soon.
I really don't know what you mean by her "menstrual cycle" unless you mean she hasn't gone into heat?