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Over eating and submissive wetting

19 17:00:35


I own a 2 year old American cocker spaniel that i adopted from a humane society when she was only 5 months.She is a very sweet and gentle dog. I've learned over the time of having her that cocker spaniels tend to over eat.From my experience my dog has over eaten and seems to always be hungry. I don't know whether over eating is a myth or is it true. Can you clear this up for me?

Also I would like to know if cocker spaniels are known for submissive wetting or is it all dogs. She usually only does when she meets new people(only adults) and when she is crowded around(family gatherings).Is this a medical condition or a fixable behavioral problem?

Icie, I'd first ask what you're feeding and how often?

Is she overweight?  If you're feeding supermarket kibble that's probably why she's always hungry.

As for the submissive wetting - I'd completely ignore it.
And also ask people who are coming in your house to walk past her - no eye contact - no petting.  It's neither a medical or a behavioral problem - some dogs just can't handle "excitement and greetings"  So the less fuss made over her at those times, the better.  If she piddles, just say nothing and clean it up.

My own 3 year old did this well past 2 years of age.
He suddenly stopped.