Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > In Pain

In Pain

19 16:59:49

QUESTION: I have a 15 week old Cocker Spaniel and he has developed some symptoms that three vets have not been able to diagnose.  He is not able to used his rear left leg, cries out in pain, especially at night and he has even begun to favor a front leg.  Kozzi sleeps at the head of our bed and two nights ago there was blood all over a pillow.  It appeared to come from his penis.  The vet gave him a cath and and antibiotic, but said the tests was normal.  He did have some swelling from a sting or bite on his face a few days ago and that has cleared up.  There was not a tick at the bite.  I don't know what else to do.  We are suffering with him.

ANSWER: Did your vet do a total body x-ray?  Do a blood workup?

If he didn't and all he did was what you've described then you need to get him to another vet pronto.

Please do that - I can't even believe that's all your vet did.
Do it now.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I will get him in this afternoon.  There are two vets in our regular office and we called the pet emergency clinic and they seemed stumped.  I agree that blood and x-rays should bring about a conclusion.  Thank you for answering so quickly.  We are very attached to him.

I wish you best of luck and hope it's not serious.  Puppies can injure themselves easily enough but the vet you saw is incompetent.

You must be worried sick so let's hope another vet is going to do all the right things.
p.s.  Let me know if you can.