Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > swollen vulva

swollen vulva

19 17:00:03

my female cocker that is 8 months and is not spayed is specifically having problems in her vulva area.Actually,it is swollen(black and blue colored),bleeding,and she is constantly licking it.we do plan to have puppies,and it is with a regular cocker ,but she is a mini. cocker. is there anything i can do to help her ease the pain?

Hi Kylee, firstly are you sure she is not in season, because if she is the vulva is always swollen and raised high up? If you are sure she is not in season my advice would be get her to a vet immediatly and seek his advice, also please seek his advice on breeding, as she is a mini cocker, im not sure how she would be mated with a regular size cocker. But please take her to a vet she could have an infection or anything down there and may well need antibiotics. Good luck and i wish her well. please let me know how she is.
Best Wishes