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thirsty cocker

19 16:59:41

my 13 year old female cocker has just started drinking a lot of water and peeing more frequently. she had bladder stones removed about 6mo ago. she pants alot and her nose is dry. she dosent seem to be breathing through her nose but dosen't pant when she sleeps. im concerned abot her excess drinking and peeing. the vet said she was in great shape after her bladder stones were removed. help! thanks.....

Have you called the vet about this?  If not, please do right away.

This can be as simple as a UTI or something more serious.
Either way, get her to the vet and take a urine sample in with you.

Actually, what I would do is catch a urine sample (first morning is best) and take it directly in to the vet.  Don't let it sit around..get it right in.  

What type of stone did she have?  Struvite?  If she did,  I'd strongly advise getting some cranberry extract at a health food store and put some in her food every day.  I know - old wive's tale..but even the Mayo Clinic would tell you this.  What the cranberry does
is prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract walls - thereby preventing infection.  And struvite stones are caused by infection.  However..not cranberry juice or fruit - the extract !

However, if she already has a UTI, it won't help.

Best of luck,