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touchy tummy

19 17:03:54

My old cocker has always had a problem with vomitting.  We always thought that he would outgrow it but he's now going on 9 1/2 years old.  He usually throws up right after he's been outside eating snow or been at his water dish.  We'll even make him wait an extra 10 minutes outside after we've seen him at the water bowl or in the snow.  But he almost always makes it about 3 feet inside the door and then lets loose.  Is this normal?  I love how gentle he is around the kids and we were thinking of getting another cocker spaniel.  But the thought of possibly having two vomitting dogs in the house makes me cringe.

I have occasionally seen exuberant young dogs drink until they threw up, but seldom an older one.  I think you can confidently get another Cocker without worrying about it vomiting.  

Surely you have asked the vet about this?  I have no idea how to fix the problem.  Best I can suggest is to try to hold him on a hard surface floor and be ready to sponge it up.  Do you have a Spot Buster?  I mostly keep little puppies off carpeted floors.