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English toy spaniels

19 17:01:39

Do you know anything about English Toy Spaniels? I was getting one from a breeder, but many owners that I talk to said they are extremely fearful and the breed standard says they can be timid.

Hi Emberly,
I'd suggest going to see the puppies.  See which one
is curious, will come to you readily, doesn't mind being handled, and is friendly.

Owners can make their dogs fearful if the puppy is not socialized from an early age.  They can also make too much fuss over a little timidity and thereby encourage it.

My next door neighbour has a yorkie like that and one day I suggested that when I come in to put the dog on a leash,
give it to me, and then we ignore her.  In minutes, she was happily trotting along with no trouble.  The owner had always picked her up, fussed about it, and so the dog had positive reinforcement.

I wouldn't not get a breed because of the "breed standard"
if you really want one.  Go see them and decide for yourself.
Best of luck,