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my cocker spaniels haircut

19 17:01:33

We just got our cocker spaniel groomed for the first time this summer.  The lady pretty much shaved all of her hair and told us that this was called a summer cut.  I was wondering if this was true or not?  It just doesn't look right to me.

Hi Ami,
What a load of nonsense.  Your groomer should do exactly what you tell her/him to do.  Any groomer who shaves down without consent of the client should be replaced with a groomer who knows what they're doing.
Next time, have a chat with the groomer beforehand so you know exactly what will be done.  There are times a pup is so matted that a total clip-down is the only solution but that should definitely be discussed beforehand.

In the'll all grow back so no harm done but to do this without talking to you is outrageous.  Change groomers is my advice.  I'd thump a groomer who did this
for no reason.