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Leg problem

19 16:59:35

Hi Delores,
I recently got a 10 week old cocker spaniel. When we got him home, we noticed that he is favoring one of his legs. He seems to be having trouble walking on is right back leg. He doesnt seem to be in any pain and as far as i can tell its not bothering him, he's not crying out in pain or anything like that, it just looks like he has a hard time using that leg. Should I be concerned about this?? I dont know whether or not to take him to the vet or is it normal for some puppies to do this?


No, it's definitely not normal.  Where did you get him?  

Yes you should be concerned and I'd take him to the vet for an x-ray.  Be cautious if the vet wants to prescribe an NSAID (like Rimadyl or Metacam).

Puppies can easily bruise themselves leaping off and on things but I'd like to know how long this has been going on??  If it was a bruise it would heal within days.

Is his appetite good?  Playful?  Normal stool?  Alert?