Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > 10 week old Cocker Spaniel get agressive

10 week old Cocker Spaniel get agressive

19 16:56:52

Help !, we have a 10 week old Cocker Spaniel got her when she was 6 weeks old. All day she is great. Plays in side and out. She seems very happy, and all is well. Until about 8:00 PM.. Every night about this time she get very aggressive. Biting everyone, chasing and biting legs, and arms. She takes several naps during the day, eats, plays just like normal. Then in the evening, we can't keep her calm down for nothing. And it's not that she wants her chew toys at night, she wants skin... Any suggestions????  

Don't panic, Tim :)  Her energy level has peaked and this "rough play" is what she'd be doing in a pack of puppies.  She's not being bad but she needs to be taught never to use her teeth on a person.

In a couple of weeks when she's finished her puppy vacs you can take her out for a good, long walk after dinner.  Get an extension leash so she can roam/run but you're always in control.  A tired dog is a good dog.

But the first word she needs to learn is NO.  Never yell but be firm.
Right now I'd try the old "squirt of water" trick.  Get a few of those plastic spray bottles at the supermarket.  Be sure it's on a spray/mist since you don't want to hit her in the face with a "stream" of water.  When she comes at your leg, say NO and spray her in the face with the water.  They just hate this.

I would suggest maybe playing "get the ball" or something active with her at that time of day.  But try the water spritz and let me know if that works.  I have other tricks up my sleeve for unruly puppies :)
p.s.  What are you feeding her and how often?