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potty training a cocker spaniel

19 16:57:03

I have a 7 month male cocker spaniel "Jack" and he is still not potty trained. He wont pee in his kennel but still does not tell me if he has to go outside. When I take him outside and say " go potty" he will go and knows why we are out there. He still goes inside atleast 3 times a day. I can take him out and sometimes 30 minutes later he will find a place to pee. Help!

I think Jack has a mild UTI (urinary tract infection).  You need to catch a urine sample in a sterile container and take it in to your vet.  Not necessary to take Jack.

If you can, get the sample first thing in the morning and take it directly in.  If not, refrigerate it and get it there asap.  This isn't expensive and absolutely must be ruled out because 80% of the time, this is the problem.  A round of antibiotics will clear it up.

Usually a urinalysis is done in-house and you'll have the results same day but be sure and tell your vet how long this has been going on so he/she can judge how long Jack should be on antibiotics since UTI's can be stubborn.

In the meantime, take him out every hour or so with a lot of praise and reward when he goes.