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What to feed my 3 month older cocker spaniel

19 16:55:32

QUESTION: I am getting a 3 month cocker spaniel and have no idea what to feed him or how much. I want to make sure he doesn't get over weight and he gets the best quality in everything. He is a bit of a nibbler, he likes to bite my fingers and my windbreaker, what chew toy should I get? I was also wondering if you can help find a trustworthy vet near by.
Sorry if I am asking dumb questions I am just very nervous %26 want the best for him.

ANSWER: What a great question, Trish!  You're going to be a super owner!  Nutrition is key.

At 3 months he's in a massive growth spurt so he needs really premium food and I'd do 3 meals a day.  In my opinion, the best foods are Innova EVO or Orijen.  There's a new wave in dog food that's "raw, dehydrated".  It's called Addiction.  Easy to use - you just add water to rehydrate, wait a few minutes and serve.  

Whatever you feed - transition him slowly from what he's used to.  You can find out where to buy Innova by going to and locating a store in your area.  Whoever sells that, will sell other premium foods. will also locate a dealer for you..or you can order online.

Finding a good vet?  That can be tricky.  What city are you in?  Look for an AAHA accredited vet hospital for a start.

Oh..and chew toys.  NO greenies or rawhide.  Get a medium size Kong or one of those hard "dental toys".  With a Kong you can put a teensy bit of peanut butter inside and it'll keep him happy for ages :)  But do puppy-proof your house because they will chew anything at that age.

You'll have to start housebreaking and basic training - and I'm here :) - so do write with any or all questions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. You helped a lot. I'm located in Richmondhill, NY.
I have another question....what shampoo or conditioner do you recommend? I do want him to have healthy shinny fur as well.
We are "Puppy proofing" the house today. I am so excited & anxeious. I can't wait.
Thank you once again

ANSWER: Healthy skin & coat comes from the inside out!  A premium diet (varied) will do that.

Don't overdo bathing him.  Unless he really does a good roll in a mud puddle, just rub him down with a "slightly" damp towel.  He'll need a professional grooming once a month but start NOW with a daily brushing and combing.  Brushing will keep his coat in good shape and prevent mats..which happen quickly :)

And remember - he's in a new place and most definitely will have an accident or two.  Mostly that's due to excitement and maybe a little anxiety.  So just be cool for a couple of days.

I'll be happy to walk you through housebreaking.  If you get all over it, this can be done fairly quickly but it's "teaching"...and patience.  Routine is your friend with a puppy !

Puppy Proofing:  Shoes (an all time favorite) - electrical cords (dangerous) - garbage cans without lids (can be deadly).  They will chew literally anything!  And they can and will jump on a sofa or bed and take whatever is in sight.  Put medications away, etc.  I can't tell you how many puppies have chomped up a tv remote :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What shampoo do u recommend?
What brand should I stick too for treats?
"A premium diet (varied) will do that."... is that like feeding him different innova?  Or innova is varied enough that I can just stick to that? Please help I'm a total mess.

If you go to Innova EVO "red meat" you'll be getting a variety of proteins.

The Orijen comes in different proteins.  Ask for sample sizes.

And remember to transition him slowly by adding a bit more of the new food every day.

Earth Bath makes a good line of dog shampoos (PetCo has it) and most stores that sell premium dog food will also have good shampoos and conditioners.

But, as I said, brushing and combing is most important.  So get a slicker brush & comb and a couple of Kongs and enjoy your puppy :)

If you'd like to write me directly that's a lot quicker.
Lots of questions just means you want to be a seriously good owner :)