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happy pee, and super scared!

19 16:55:33


Hi We have 2 cockers an 11yr old boy and a year and a half yr old American cocker girl- shes chocolate and peanut butter colored with green eyes (Reese is her name) we got her at 4 months from a very creditable puppy store locally. Since day one she has been terrified of EVERYTHING she sees but especially boxes and big purses/bags/luggage. She is super skittish and careful when shes at home, shes been here for a while now and theres no need for her to be afraid. Second problem is her happy nervous pee problem- overtime she happy she pees everytime she gets nervous she pee- we don't know what to do she seems to pee all the time! Thank you in advance for your help!

Are you taking her out for long, daily walks?  Exercise helps with anxiety.

Where do the dogs sleep?

 I'd suggest that a few times a day you attach her short leash to your belt loop (in the house) and where you go - she goes!  No chat.  This calms nervous dogs.
So when you see she's getting nervous - don't talk, just snap her leash on her and keep her with you..but carry on with whatever you're doing.

I'd also strongly suggest you check that she doesn't have a Urinary Tract Infection.  Just catch a urine sample in a sterile container and take it in to your vet.  If you can't go immediately, then refrigerate it.  This always needs to be ruled out with this sort of problem.

Try the leash in-house (it's called the umbilical cord exercise) and let me know her reaction.