Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > I need help about my dog

I need help about my dog

19 17:04:30

hello!My name is Samantha and i am going to buy a dog. I am considering buying a Cocker Spaniel and i was just wondering if you can provide me with the information needed to care for a cocker Spaniel. Thank you and i will put in a good word for u if you provide me with the correct information and it is mailed to me a.s.a.p

Cocker Spaniels are a very loyal and loving companion. They quickly become a member of your family!
Cocker's are indoor dogs that need grooming every three to four months. It's not kind to keep their coats too long, as it is comparable to us wearing layers of wool sweaters. They sometimes are prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears. The vet can provide you with drops or salve to put in their ears. Keeping their ears clean with a cotton ball is important in detering this problem.
I have found with my experience that when worked with, Cockers can be very smart. My dogs have learned a vocabulary of words such as "going for a car ride, get your leash," etc. It's important though that you spend lots of time training and bonding with your puppy. It will make a better dog for you in the future. When choosing your puppy, make sure the puppies have been well cared for since birth. A puppy left alone for long periods of time, or one that hasn't had much human interaction can be a problem dog in the long run.
I hope my suggestions have helped you. As I said before, Cockers are so loving and loyal. They are not only adorable but smart too!
I wish you all the best!
