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Scooting on rump

19 17:04:23

Curley was sick this morning.  He defecated in the house (very unusual).  I believe he may have also vomited.  He scooted around on rump and had gas.  Is this something he ate?  I feed him Biljac and Purina Dog Chow.  My son has been giving him pieces of apple which he loves.  He also gets dog bone treats.

Since I'm not a vet, I don't give medical advice. However, I can tell you what the "scooting on his rump" means. Dogs have anal glands. These glands will sometimes fill up and a dog releases these fluids by scooting his bum on the floor or wherever he can. You can take him to a vet or a groomer and they can relieve the glands quickly for you. It won't smell pretty, but it will bring relief to your dog. As for the vomitting and bowel movement in the house, I'd watch him for a day. If he isn't eating or drinking and acting sluggish, call your vet and ask for some advice. The apples are probably causing the gas, and could very well cause the upset stomach. It's best not to feed dogs human food anyway. Some foods are actually lethal to dogs, (onions, chocolate, etc) so it's recommended to keep his diet strictly to dog food.

I wish you the best!
