Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > Americian Cocker

Americian Cocker

19 17:03:53

Hi, I just adopted an abused dog from an owner. She has the largest vagina I have ever seen in my life and in a dog. She scratches it violently, while grawling. So much so she wimpers. I have all sorts of anti itch sprays and creams for her relief, but these seem to only offer tempory relief. I have tried just about everything with limited progress. I am at my whit's end. I am teffified she has something communitable,( I have a comprised immune system). Can u offer some advice. If it is suborria (sp) it is the dry kind, her hair does not smell or look oily.

Thank you for taking a dog that needed a good home.  How long has she been this way?  If only a few weeks, she may be coming into season.  If so, she will start oozing blood soon.  Pick up a cheap dog sanitary garment.  Most vets won't want to spay her until it is over.  Be prepared for unbelievable attempts to get loose and go find a male.  

Did you get any medical records?  Chances are, she is behind in her shot program.  Take any records you have and let a vet examine her and update her.  She needs to start a heartworm and flea preventative now.  Large vet bills are a reality for all dog owners.