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new friend

19 16:57:07

what type of spaniel ( I am looking ata cocker spaniel) is best to be with a cat

It depends on a few things.  How old is your cat?  How old is the dog you're considering (and hopefully it's not at a pet shop).

Has your cat ever interacted with a dog before?  Most cats will be cool as long as the introduction is nice and slow.  Meaning you allow the cat to "see" there's a new addition but basically keep them separated when you can't supervise.

Most cats are okay with puppies and, of course, a puppy needs constant supervision.  But most dogs "get" that the cat rules.

So it's not a matter of what breed.  I have two cockers and a cat.
The dogs totally respect the cat and don't mess with her at all.
Cats have that Clint Eastwood "stare" that really intimidates dogs.

However if your kitty is a "scaredy-cat" :) - you'll have to weather the storm until she accepts and gets used to the dog.

Have a friend bring a nice, relaxed dog over - keep the dog on leash and see how your cat reacts.

You only need ONE of them to be calm.  If the dog is cool, then the cat will relax.  If the cat stares the dog down, then the dog will be cool.

I'll tell you this.  We had two cockers when I adopted a stray cat.
The first time I let her in the house I had the two dogs on leash in case they rushed at her.  Well - they did.  She sat perfectly still and just looked at them both like "you're such fools".  And the entire thing was over.  Now, if she'd raced off - the game would have been afoot :)

So the bottom line is you just won't know until you get a dog & your cat in the same room.