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odd behavior of cocker after grooming

19 16:52:38

My little Tilly has always acted strange after being groomed-sitting under bed, urinating in the house, skitterish. This weird behavior has always lasted only a few days. About two weeks ago I had her shaved down due to her being matted (my fault and  will NEVER happen again).  She has been skitterish, urinating in the house, and will not jump up on the bed or couch like she used to do.  Eating and drinking are fine and she isn't doing any type of excessive scratching.  She is five years old and has always been in excellent health.

Do you use one of those groomers who keeps the dog all day?  Do you use the same groomer each time?

For some dogs, this all-day experience results in built up stress and it takes them time to get over it.

If Tilly were my dog, I'd try and arrange for a mobile groomer to come to the house where she's in and out quickly.  If that's not possible, find a groomer who'll do Tilly as soon as she arrives and get her out in 90 minutes. can also bath her yourself and just take her to the groomer for a clip & nails...and stay there with her.

Tilly is clearly telling you this is an unpleasant and stressful experience.  In my experience, this is usually the groomer!