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Introducing a Baby to 2 cockers

19 16:56:49

Hi there,

I am sorry if you have answered this before, but I was wondering if you had any advice in helping us ready our dogs for our first child. We have 2 dogs, about 7 & 8 years old that we have had for 5 & 2 years respectively.

They have never been around babies, but have been around kids 3+. They have really been spoiled with attention, and I want to make sure that I do everything I can to make sure that they aren't jealous of the baby.

Is there anything we can do to make this easier for them?

Thanks so much!

Congratulations on the impending arrival :) and "most probably" the dogs will be fine.

First I'd ask how they've been when they've been around children and I'm suspecting from your comment that it's all been okay?

Don't forget, babies don't "get around" much for the first year or so.
They're being carried - fed - in their cribs, etc.  BUT the thing to remember is YOU are going to be overwhelmingly involved and it's easy to forget not just dogs, but husbands too :).  Keep that in mind (as hard as it is) and try to keep the dogs schedule as it was as much as possible.

They will certainly sense a huge change (and so will you :)...but at their ages they're senior dogs and will most likely have a "whatever" attitude.  Dogs pick up their owner's attitude - so be cool and matter of fact.  Let them see the baby - sit on the floor with the baby and let them "inspect".  (No the baby won't get germs :)

Have a chat with your husband about him taking over the dogs walks..even the feeding.  The nice thing is babies sleep a LOT so when you have your time-out/rest - make that a time to cuddle on the couch or bed with the dogs.  Just make SURE they get their exercise...that's the best thing - a tired dog is a good dog.

So bottom line - unless either of your dogs has exhibited real behavioral issues previously, it will undoubtedly be just fine.

I will say though that when the baby is crawling that no dog should ever, ever be left with a child that age unsupervised.  Not because of the dog either.  But that's a scenario a way down the road.

Can you do a test run ahead of time?  Sure.  If you have a friend with a baby, bring it over and sit on the floor with the baby and see how they react.  Of course, it has to be a friend who isn't convinced a lick from a dog is dangerous :)  Most dogs will sniff it - decide it's not very interesting and that's that.