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Another timid cocker question

19 17:03:49

I recently purchased a 11 month old cocker from a breeder.  I know it's early (only day three) but he is very timid.  The breeder told me he loves to play with kids and other animals and all her cockers are socialized with other people and animals.  He doesn't seem to be very social and only let's me pet him for a few seconds and then walks away. He does try to play a little with my other cocker, but he is ignoring him. I guess he has has get used to him too. Could he just be home sick? Or maybe he didn't get individual attention? He is a beautiful dog, and I am planning to keep him and work with him, but I'm starting to wonder why he wasn't already adopted. What should I do to make him more comfortable?

I wouldn't worry too much about the first few days.  How old is your other dog, and are both neutered?  The males may not be as bad as the females, but many dogs lose interest in the typical play after their personality matures at 3 years old.  That could explain the disinterest of your other dog.  

Dogs love their routine.  Even if your new one was getting plenty of attention and time with other dogs, likely he is not sure at all about all the new ones and the difference between likely living in a kennel and now a house.  Give him a few more days to mellow out.  Offer him all the attention he will tolerate.  Brushing and walking him will help too.