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Cocker Spaniel Eye Leaking

19 17:01:09

QUESTION: I have a year old cocker spaniel.  Her eyes are constantly leaking smelly liquid... even when she is washed and we wipe the liquid off of her face, it still really smells.  Is there a solution to this?  I have heard about surgery, but I have tried to do some research, but I couldn't find any information on it...

ANSWER: Your dog has an infection.  Please take her to a veterinary opthamologist or she'll lose her sight.  This is very serious and I really can't figure out why on earth you haven't talked to your vet

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She actually just got back from the vet yesterday.  not a vet opthamologist.  I asked the regular vet about the eye leaking, and they said it is just "what they do".  Should I be taking my dogs to another vet?

Hi Joseph,
Any vet who would dismiss this like that is incompetent.
So yes, you need a new vet and I'd immediately take her to a vet opthamologist.  I really beg you to do this because she can lose her sight if this infection is not addressed.
And it IS infection.  It is NOT "just what they do" and the blatant stupidity of that answer just astonishes me.
Please - please get her to an eye specialist.  Just call and say you're "referred by Dr. whoever".  Most are referral but no need to involve your vet.  When you call tell them this is serious and you need an appt. asap.