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puppy growls and bites when picked up

19 16:59:25

My cocker spaniel puppy is 4 mos. old.  Most times when we pick her up she growls and tries to bite us.  It is not "puppy biting" she wrinkles her nose and looks and sounds is different from when she puppy bites.  She has broken skin many times. It seems like she doesn't like to be picked up and/or held.  We have tried holding her head down when she is on her stomach, and holding her there until she relaxes. It helps in the moment, but if we go to pick her up again, she'll start in with her growling and biting. We have tried spaying her with vinegar and  water, and shaking a can of coins.  It helps for the moment, but it hasn't stopped her from being aggressive.  What can we do?

Don't panic - she's just asserting herself but, of course, this must end.

Next time she growls get down on her level - STARE right into her eyes and say NO in a quiet but firm voice.  Do not lose eye contact and continue with NO until she breaks eye contact.  You just won !

Never spray with water & vinegar - the vinegar will sting her eyes
and "shaking" the can won't do it.  The technique is a NO and one hard "crash".  As if you're throwing a ball as hard as you can at the ground.

It's time to begin basic training too - and that will help a lot so get into some puppy classes or get a trainer.

Another tactic is to pick her up - hold her under your right arm while grabbing her firmly by the scruff of the neck with your left hand and waiting 'till she relaxes and stops.  No conversation.

No yelling - always use a calm voice.