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Aggresive with trash

19 16:54:50

Hi - my 2 1/2 year old cocker is a great dog.  Loving, happy and smart.  He knows and respects lots of commands (sit, stay, leave it, drop-it, and many tricks).  The one problem I have is when he comes upstairs to my bedroom.  If I forget to close the door to the bathroom he will come out with tissues etc.  He will not give them up.  Even putting pressure under his jaw will not get him to release the vise grip he has on it.  My daughter tried to get him to release it and tried the pressure on the jaw (which works with anything else) and he snapped and growled at her.  He left a mark on her hand.  We were both so shocked!  My daughter is the dogs absolute favorite person in the world (she's 22).  I know I can keep the door shut or cover the lid but I am just upset that he showed such aggression. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.  As I said he is sooo good and well behaved otherwise.  Thanks.

Ah..the old toilet paper obsession!  Most dogs outgrow this but I have a 5 year old who will still grab the end of a roll and run through the house with it..then start eating it.

It sounds to me like you have a very good pup and this is his one eccentricity?  The easiest thing to do is put the toilet paper out of reach.  I totally understand you're upset with him (and rightly so)but if this is his one bit of craziness I'd "forgive and remove the trigger".

And know this - if he'd meant to "bite" he would have.  Dogs don't make mistakes..their bites are very measured so he "snapped and nipped" on purpose.  If he'd wanted to draw blood, he would have.

Do I think you have an incipient problem?  No.  If he ever gets any again - take what you can of what's sticking out of his mouth and let him have it.  It won't harm him.

Can you train him not to eat toilet paper?  Yes - unless you're not around when he gets it :)
All in all, this is one of those instances when I'd advise avoidance.