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5 months old cocker always bites

19 17:00:54

My 5 month old cocker bites me all the time and shows me her teeths also she is a female but many times she mimic a male dog mounting  my husband's leg.  This is very strange.  Can you tell me what is going on? I have another cocker before and we never have this problem

Hi Gracie,
Your pup needs training and I mean NOW!

This is dominance aggression and left unchecked it can get a LOT worse.  She's already biting and this is totally unacceptable.  Without a firm training program this will progress to a very bad place.

It should have been dealt with the very, very first time she ever showed her teeth.  Now it's something that's working for her and it'll be work to train her out of it.

There's no point in you yelling at her..or hitting.  That only puts more aggression in the room and it doesn't work.

Does budget allow for personal training?  It's past time to nip this in the bud.  How much training in basic commands has she had?  Are you committed enough to this dog to do the training?

The next time she shows her teeth at you...get down on her level...stare right into her eyes and say NO quietly but with a lot of authority.  Do NOT lose eye contact until she turns away.  Say NO and wait for 3 seconds..if she's still at it...say NO again and eyeball her.
Let me know what happens.