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my dog is too hyper

19 17:00:54

I have a 3 year old cocker spaniel. She is too hyper and we don't know how to make her calm down. Every time the doorbell rings or something she hasn't seen in a long time comes up she goes crazy and runs around barking. This goes on for a long time. We love her to death but its too hard to calm her down. She has been trained and knows basic commands. How do we make her stop?

Hi Halie,
First I'd ask how much good exercise this pup is getting?
Dogs get hyper when they have too much pent up energy
and a little excitement triggers near hysteria.  Does she get to go on long walks - run in a dog park - have play dates?

I'd like to know other than the doorbell ringing (which is common) what other specific things start the barking? she spayed?

I have suggestions for you but I'd like more information.