Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > dry skin

dry skin

19 16:58:55

QUESTION: My 10 month old cocker has very dry skin. I use puppy chow dog food on him and get him groomed about every 6 weeks. I brush him every day and his food and water are down for him to eat and drink whenever he wants.
My vet gave me some Emu oil gelcaps and told me to put this on his food daily and some Emu shampoo. So far nothing has work. He has been on the pills for about 3 weeks... Any help would be greatly appreciated
thank you
debbie Conrad

ANSWER: Hi Debbie,
I need to know what you're feeding.  I've never heard of Emu oil caps 'nor any science behind it.

I'd strongly, very strongly, suggest getting him on a premium "canned" food since it has higher protein - higher fat and less carb content.

I'd like to know how often you're bathing him too.

Foods I highly recommend are:
Innova Evo - Merrick - AvoDerm (available at Petsmart) and most definitely NOT dry kibble.

I also don't agree with free feeding and at his age he still needs to be fed 3x daily but not supermarket kibble.

So first tell me what you're feeding and we'll go from there.
Nutrition is basically "everything".

I'd also like to know if you see flakiness (like dandruff) and what his skin looks like?  Is it nice & pink or are you seeing "redness"?
Is he itchy?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Emu has Omega 3 in it. I do feed him purina Puppy Chow from the grocery store. I don't bathe him in between his grooming because his skin is so dry, I just use a damp cloth and sponge him down.
I do see some flakes on him and he itchs all the time. I don't see any redness but, he is all black so it's hard to tell.
I just started to free feed him, he was eatting twice a day. He doesn't eat when you feed him so I thought I would try free feeding
thank you once again

I think your problem is nutritional.  Purina is crap. And cockers do not do well on dry food since it's too carb heavy.

First - change his food.  And I know it may sound contradictory to bath him when his skin is dry but it's not.  Get a nice, gentle oatmeal based shampoo and bath him - rinse like a maniac - when you think you've rinsed enough, rinse 10 more times.  Then do the oatmeal soak (below).

I don't know where you live or what pet food stores are available but this pup needs better nutrition.  If you're near a PetSmart (and heaven knows - they're everywhere) go get some AvoDerm canned food.
Add a little more each day to transition..some dogs can get an upset tummy from an abrupt change of food. Go slow.

Most drugstores or supermarkets will also carry Aveeno Oatmeal comes in a box with packets of powder (pure colloidal oatmeal).  Target carries a generic which is cheaper.  Read the label - 100% pure colloidal oatmeal.

Take one packet - fill the tub - mix in - soak him for 10 minutes (which will feel like an hour:)  Do not rinse off - towel dry - you can use blower on cool/warm.

Let me know how much relief this offers.  And what flea product do you use..and heartworm protection?