Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > itchy lumps all over- flaky patches

itchy lumps all over- flaky patches

19 16:45:45

Hi- our cocker spaniel has developed these lumps all over his body- they are like clumps of hard flakes - I bathed him in oatmeal bath- gave him zyrtec which seemed to help a little but the lumps are still there- I shaved him and the lumps are like hard balls- some flakes of white skin- do you think this is an allergy? I put a call in to the vet but they cant see us until MOnday- he eats mighty dog, and help would be so appreciated
thanks so much

Mighty Dog is utter crap. This could be a huge part of the problem.  I can work within your budget and give you a list of far better food.

How long has this been going on?  How long did you give him Zyrtec?  How much?

Is it only the lumps that are itchy or is it all over?