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7 yr old Cocker

19 16:56:29

I have a 7 1/2 year old Silver Cocker.  I just noticed that the past few days shes having problems getting up and back on her hind legs to a standing position.  Should I let her relax or get her into her vet?

At this age she could be starting with arthritis.  Are you giving any glucosamine (Cosequin)?  Always a good idea at around age 5-6 yrs.

Your vet could take some X-rays or an ultra sound to check her hind joints and that would tell you a lot.  And rather than use an NSAID (Metacam/Rimadyl/etc) which can cause organ damage I'd go for some Adequan injections. (Read up on it online)

I'd also give thought to trying DogGone Pain which is an herbal pain relief developed by an Australian vet.  PetSmart carries it or you can order it on line.  As with anything like this, start with a teeny dose..1/4 of the recommended dose and increase if it all goes well.

Just be very, very careful about giving her NSAID's.  Long term use of this stuff can cause serious health problems.  But I'd sure start her on Cosequin (your vet will have it or you can order it online less expensively).  That's not an instant fix but will help long term.
