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3 month old Cocker

19 16:56:33

QUESTION: I just got a 3 month old Tri-colored Cocker pup.  I already have 2 Springer Spaniels ages 10 & 3 years old.  The puppy likes both of the dogs, but tried to fight my 10 yr old.  Of course Casey didn't hurt the puppy, but the trust me the puppy was trying to hurt Casey.  What should I do?  I've never seen anything like this before.  I'm trying to house break her now, and I'm doing all of the things you suggested (I've been reading the postings), but how long will house-breaking take her?

Thanks, Dee

ANSWER: At 3 months you can housebreak in a week or two IF you get all over it and make it a top priority.
That means "taking" her out - giving your command when you see the signal she's about to go - praise & reward.  Every 2 hours or so.

She'll quickly connect command-action-reward.

The puppy isn't really "fighting" but if Casey won't take charge of this and put her in her place then I'd do the can of pennies trick.

Get an empty pop can - 15 pennies in it - tape top shut.  When she attacks Casey, say NO and bring the can down hard ONCE.

The idea is ONE big crashing don't shake it..when she runs off (and she will) walk away and ignore her.

I'd also try the umbilical cord idea.  Attach her short leather leash to your belt loop (or wherever) and where you go - she goes.
No chat.  The message here is she'd better pay close attention to the pack leader.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: About house training, my hubby and I work during the day, so the puppy must stay in her crate all day.  Sometimes, she will not go to the bathroom in it and sometimes she does.  Also, how many times a day should I feed her?  And, I'm feeding her puppy IAMS.  Does she need milk?

You can't leave her in a crate for 8 hours.  This isn't good on any level and can cause behavioral problems.  Is it possible to get a dog-walker mid-day?  Puppy daycare?

If not, I'd suggest getting some puppy "training pads" from PetSmart and confining her to the kitchen.

Iams is crap.  No, she doesn't need milk and it'd probably give her diarreah.

Strongly suggest Innova and at her age she should be fed 3x daily.

Go to and find an Innova dealer near you. Whoever carries that will carry other premium foods.  She's in a massive growth spurt and needs first-class nutrition.