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skin sores

19 17:04:25

My buff cocker spaniel is 8 this month.  Within the last year or so she has developed sores that my vet says is some type of dermatitis.  They begin as sort of a thickening of the skin & when scratched a lot or brushed firmly, they will flake off some, but mostly just split to reveal a fresh red sore.  She is now on about the 10th series of antibiotics & still developing new spots as she's on the medicine.  They do itch her.  She's had several steroid injections, which helps greatly with the itching & taken antihistamines, which to me have done little or nothing. Have you ever come across anything like this?  My vet feels she has allergies, but I can't help but think it is something more than that, especially since she developes new sores as she takes her medicine....and I continue to feed her the same food, use the same shampoo, etc.(I can't come up with anything different!)
Can you please help??


A tea or infusion made from Chamomile makes a great after-bath rinse for dogs with allergic skin conditions. This rinse is also soothing for flea bites and dry skin. This advice was given through a herbal website I subscribe too. Give it a try!
I wish you all the best!