Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > scratching


19 17:00:40

My cocker spaniel is 2 years old. A little while back we used a shampoo with fragrence in it ever since then he has been scratching all the time. We gave him several baths since then we used a anti-itching shampoo and it helped for a day and then he goes tight back to it. Its always right by his back hip area closer to the underside. I had tried an oatmeal bath and it helped alittle but not much. I really need help.

Jennifer, what shampoo did you use on him?  And what anti-itching shampoo?

Try this.  Buy Aveeno Colloidal Oatmeal.  It comes in a box with packets of oatmeal powder. Use one packet and Fill the tub up enough to cover his itchy parts and soak him in it for at least 10 minutes...15 is better (and will feel like an hour:)

Let me know if that helps.